As we work toward mapping out the future of the SAHAKA Foundation, we decided to revisit the old Wat Opot Campus, since we were already in the area doing home visits. We found the girl’s dorm, which once stood on both the Temple property and the private land that now belongs to the PC Organization, nearly demolished. A fence will soon be built to separate the two properties that once was home to so many.

The Temple land is now being reclaimed by the Wat Opoat Monks and on arrival, we found them at the Crematorium cutting the grass and weeds that have taken over since we left.

Considered a sacred area by several hundred families who lost their loved ones to AIDS, COVID-19, or suicide, it is now much in need of care and repair.

We were met by the Venerable Duch Tel, a good friend and a leader in the community, who was a big part of the Partners in Compassion Organization, especially in the beginning years. We share a mutual respect for this area since it was the two of us who performed most of the cremation of the AIDS victims during the hospice days.

In our discussions, the topic of the SAHAKA Foundation making Wat Opoat the base for its new programs, with myself taking up residency again on the Temple grounds, was discussed. There was no hesitation and, in fact, we were encouraged to do so. The difference this time will be that we will be working alongside the Monks in making the property, not only a Memorial to the past but an active community development program of the future with good morals based on Buddhist principles and teaching.
Thanks for taking the time to read this far. For those who would like to help out with some of these expenses, you can visit the new SAHAKA FOUNDATION website or if you are a resident in Cambodia you can send your donation by QR: